Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vibrant PLANTS

My grandfather (Chris Andersen) was a landscaper.  Growing up, my parents (Neil & Ann) always had a variety of indoor house plants.  They also enjoyed seasonal outdoor patio containers.  If you've seen their backyard lately, you know that they still enjoy plants.

Working at the shop, I've learned that some have a great knowledge of plants and others have none at all.  I like to think that I was born with it - similar to how most guys have an understanding of cars or guns from birth - I understood plants.

This past Sunday morning, I counted how many houseplants are in our home - Nineteen!  I personally have a real addiction to jade & ferns and lately any type of succulents.  At the shop, we have two employees (Ann & Sara) who care for our plants. We're heading into fall, so you'll find beautiful seasonal planters in Autumn colors. We have three different plant vendors and we're picking up a fourth soon - so new plants often arrive a couple times each week.

Basic Plant Care

Plants need basic necessities to survive, such as sunlight, water & love.  I encourage the following:
1. Read the back of the plant care card.
2. Research your new plant on-line.
3. Purchase a water guide that will tell if the plant's soil is wet, moist or dry.

Be sure to let excess water drain into a saucer.  You don't want the plant to ever sit in water.  Always remove dropped leaves from the top of the soil.  To make your plant shine, use a soft damp cloth and wipe the leaves.  Monitor your plants on a regular basis to check for new changes.  You can often find the answer quickly on-line, or give us a call and we would be happy to try and help.

* Tip - It's easier to revive an under-watered plant than an over-watered plant, which will have root destruction.

Feng Shui & Plants

Plants are excellent because they bring vibrant energy into your home.  The plants need to be kept healthy in visually pleasing containers.

In Feng Shui, they say to place a jade plant in the South East sector of your home to accumulate and radiate positive energy.  This a known as the wealth sector of your home.  Why not give it a try?

Feng Shui also says that it is important to be aware of your indoor air quality.  What better way to purify the air than by decorating with house plants!

Here is a list that's sure to clean the air and bring in the oxygen:
1. Palms
2. Rubber Plants
3. Dracaenas
4. English Ivy
5. Ficus
6. Ferns
7. Peace Lilies
8. Scheffleras
9. Orchids
10. Philodendrons

There are a few plants that give off oxygen at night.  They are, therefore, beneficial for the bedroom.
1. Succulents
2. Orchids
3. Bromeliads

One final note... Be sure to research house plants that are harmful to young children and animals.  I Googled this topic and found 3,660,000 results.


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